Saturday, May 9, 2020

8 Tips to Care for Your Lawn All Summer

8 Tips to Care for Your Lawn All Summer

It takes an unprecedented effort to maintain your lawn and prepare it for the summer. 

Summers are the time when your lawn suffers most damage due to scorching heat. This results in unhealthy grass. It is neither fresh nor green. To keep your grass from turning dull and brown, it is necessary to take extra care of your lawn all summer. 

Following are some helpful tips to ensure good care and proper maintenance of your lawn during summers:

1: Water Regularly and Consistently

Lack of water and nutrient intake is the biggest reason for the poor growth of grass in summer. With regular and consistent watering, you can keep your lawn in great condition. 

An important thing to note here is that regular watering does not mean watering your lawn every day for 10 to 15 minutes. Instead, it means that you should water your lawn 2 to 3 times a week for 25 to 30 minutes. 

This allows roots to absorb water properly. And so, it helps with proper maintenance and healthy growth. 

2: Water When the Sun is Not up High 

Another crucial point is that you should water when the sun is not up high. This way, all the water gets evaporated. When you water, you should make sure that roots absorb all the water and respective nutrients. 

The best time to water your lawn in summers is right after dawn. As the sun is neither too high nor giving off scorching heat in the early morning, water absorbs instead of evaporating. When water dries out completely, it prevents the risk of catching any fungal disease. This way, watering serves the purpose in the best manner.

3: Mow Higher

While it is suggested to mow low during spring, professionals advise mowing higher during summers. You should set your mower to high setting so that it cuts off grass blades only. The length of grass should be at least 3 inches all summer. This keeps the soil in the shade, and so, roots do not suffer any damage. Cooler the root system stays, better the growth of grass. 

Moreover, taller blades also strengthen the roots and make them grow deeper. 

4: Maintain Your Mower

To take care of your lawn, you need to take off your tools first. The mower is your most important investment for your lawn. It plays a great role in turning your lawn into a beautiful piece of art. So, you need to keep it well-maintained. Otherwise, it does not deliver the desired results. 

Mower maintenance includes changing its oil, filter and spark plugs when needed. Clean it out of all the grass blades. If you leave your mower unmaintained, it leaves brown tips on your grass blades. This makes your grass look dull and poor. 

5: Use Fertilizer 

Fertilizing your lawn is the first and foremost thing to do as a summers approach. You should set rounds of fertilizing your grass every 6 weeks. Apply fertilizer evenly and in proper quantity. Too much fertilizer can damage your grass. 

What you need to keep in mind is that use natural fertilizers as possible. Also, you must use your grass-specific fertilizers. As grass differs in kinds, you cannot pick any fertilizer from the store. Different fertilizers serve different purposes. Some offer fast growth, while others come with the necessary nutrients. 

Also, you can go for natural ways of fertilizing. The best one of them is to leave the grass clippings on your lawn after mowing. Mulching mower helps grass clippings mix up with the soil and allows the recycling of nutrients.  

6: Control Pests and Weeds

Controlling pests and weeds is crucial, but how to identify them? You can spot weeds on flowers by careful examination. Also, inconsistency in color and texture of your grass is a sign of weed presence. Always apply weed killer before you mow your lawn. 

After mowing, you will not be able to identify potential weed growth on trimmed grass. 

Also, you should wait a day or two after applying the weed killer. This allows the weed killer to distribute evenly and serve its purpose. The best time to spray the weed killer is early in the morning when the grass is dewy. Remember, you must not spray weed killer on wet grass. This means avoid using weed killer after watering of it has just rained. Water cancels the effect of weed-killing sprays. 

Moreover, it is important to pick the right weed and pest killer. You must get one that suits the type of your grass. As weed killers come in different kinds, know if spraying, gel-foam, or solid beads-like weed killer is easy and efficient for your weed and pests. 

7: Use Proper Tools

Tools are important when you need to take proper care of your lawn. Without the right tools, you cannot make any progress. Some important tools for effective maintenance include mower, scissors, pruners, spade, rake, and shovel, etc. 

Know when and how to use a particular tool. Otherwise, you might end up damaging your lawn rather than taking care of it. 

8: Aerate Your Lawn if You Didn’t Before Spring

Most of the professional landscapers and gardeners suggest aerating your lawn right after fall to experience lush green growth in spring. This keeps your lawn in perfect health all summer long. However, if you did not aerate your lawn before spring, doing it just at the start of summers greatly helps too. 

It lets soil take up enough nutrients and water, which in turn strengthens roots and improves growth. 

Final Thoughts

If you have been putting in a lot of effort for fresher and greener grass in spring, you should pursue your passion in summer as well. Following a few simple tips can help you take good care of your lawn. As mowing, fertilizing, and watering trends change according to the season, make sure you have adequate knowledge. This way, you can enjoy a greener and healthier lawn all summer long. 

The post 8 Tips to Care for Your Lawn All Summer appeared first on Yard Busters Landscaping.

from Yard Busters Landscaping

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